Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Maybe one day I'll be what you need.

Assalammualaikum ,

Heyy bloglovers :) Nice to meet you guys again. Mhehe :p 

Kay, last night. I don't know why. I feels like I wanna cry. I feels like I hurt someone. I don't why this pain hurting me. I almost cry last night.

If I really hurt you guys. Puhhleasehh forgive me. I know sometimes my words makes you guys "terasa". Well I don't even mean it. I'm really sorry okay. I know I makes mistake so many times. But I'm not like the person who you think is. Okay?

Lol, why am I so emotional? haha. This is so not me :p

Okay, you know what? I'm tired of being heartbroken girl. Every time I have a crush with someone. *tupp tupp* he have a girlfriend. And being in love with someone who doesn't know I'm exist is also breaks my heart. Everytimes ~ 

Pftt, I hate this love situation. I will stick with single until I found my true love that loves me the way I am. And we will live happily ever after :') hehe

*My mom just got home for Sabah yesterday. And man I miss her so much. She brought so many souvenir and it's so beautiful. I love you mommy :* ehehe

P/s: I know my English is sucks. At least I tried. Smh ~ 

Extras :

Sonny: [James and Tawni look at them] They’re looking this way. Put your arm around me.Chad: Well, I would, but you sat on the wrong side. This arm says let’s cuddle, and this arm says ‘Hey, good game bro!’Sonny: Well, I’m saying just put one of them around me. (Chad puts his arm around Sonny)Chad: Oh, you should probably put your head on my shoulder.Sonny: Okay. (puts her head on Chad’s shoulder) This is nice… in theory.Chad: We, uh … make a good couple. Hypothetically.
[from “Sonny With A Chance” 1x09]

Aww, Can I have a relationship like this? It's so sweet :3
Dini ;) 

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