Thursday, December 01, 2011

Hello December! We meet again :D


Well hello bloglovers! Aww, I miss you guys so much :( Meh peluk meh. *hughug* heeee :D

Kay today dah 1 Disember dah. So apa yang terjadi? Result PMR nak keluar. And Hell yeah I takut -.- Aku tahu semua PMR candidates pun cuak juga. Tapi kita redha jelah nanti ye? Apapun kita doa lah kepada Nya. Dia je yang mampu tolong kita kan? hee :') 

Dah masuk disember ni. Aku paling tak suka bila dah nak habis tahun 2011 -.- Yela, Too much memories doh tahun 2011 ni. Tahun ni la yang aku rasa sekola la best. Serious :O kalau tak dulu macam haram je sekola. Bila tak suka cikgu tuh aku tak nak datang sekola. Yeah, tuh life aku sebelum ni. Tapi sekarang tak. Sekola la memories yang paling best dalam hidup. Kay baru tahu. Don't judge :p haha

You know what? I miss my friends. All of my friends. Old friends. New friends. All of it. But 3 Delima is the most I miss so much! I miss the laughter the happiness. All of it. The pranks the jokes in 3 Delima. Sumpah rindu :( Kalau la tahun depan aku sama kelas dengan classmate 3 Delima. It will make my day. I wish :'( hmm Apa la khabar dorang eh? Senyap je. Hmm ~

Tahun 2012 je dah kene start belajar :/ kay. Seronok -.- Tah best ke tak tahun depan. Grr, kene face juga tahun depan. 2012 please be nice to me ~

Hmm, so esok mama nak pergi Sabah. Kay jealous nak ikut tapi tak boleh kay -.- Sumpah kesian. Lol I thought this school holiday is gonna be FUN. Well its not -__-" pissed off.

*Kay, you really want to know the truth huh? Okay. The truth is I really miss you kay. So please? Make a move. And come back to me? :( I really miss you like the first time we knowing each other. Everybody deserve a second chance right? hmm.

p/s: I'm here. Just wanna wish you guys Happy December and Merry Christmas! Enjoy your december month! :D xx peace ^^V


Aww, my logie :* 
Dini ;) 

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