Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!


Hi hi hi dears followers! How's your day? fine. Ohh that's cool. Hihi.

Soo, today is already 31/12/11. The last day in 2011. The last day I live in 2011. I'll miss all the memories in year 2011. The laughter, sadness, happiness, everything. Yeah, I know I make so many mistakes in 2011. Well, I'm not perfect. Don't judge me to quickly. I just want you guys to forgive me. That's all :'/

Next year is gonna be a new year. New laughter, new sadness, new happiness. Create a new memories. I just hope I'll be okay in year 2012. Just like babah said "Tutup buku lama, buka buku baru" Yeah. I know it's hard to make a step. To move on. I have no choice. I have to accept the facts. And move on.

New year, aku ada niat. Niat tuh untuk masa depan aku. Niat aku tuh InsyaAllah, aku akan jadi anak yang solehah. Anak yang baik. Anak yang berjaya buat mama and babah. Hope niat tuh akan ku tunaikan. InsyaAllah. Doakan la aku ye ? ;')

Okay, semalam last hari jumaat dalam tahun 2011. Time sure flies. Pejam celik pejam celik dah nak new year. Rasa macam baru sedar aku banyak buat masa dalam tahun 2011. Belajar pun main-main. Ya Allah. Apa yang aku dah buat selama ni :( Hope tahun depan tak macam tahun 2011 lagi.

InsyaAllah tahun depan aku akan berubah. Sedikit demi sedikit. Aku banyak buat dosa. Mungkin ada hikmah disebalik ni. Aku tak rancang pun semua tuh. Apa yang jadi, jadi lah. Aku redha je. Jika korang tak suka dengan perangai aku. Say everything to my face. InsyaAllah lepas tuh aku akan berubah jadi yang lebih baik dari sebelum ni :') 

Hmm, anyway semalam juga aku pergi sekola amik buku teks. Nak tahu something? Buku Mathematics form4 tahun depan dalam bahasa Melayu kay. Memang aku paham la kan. Kalau dalam bahasa Inggeris okay lagi. Boleh la paham kan. Hmm, apa-apa pun. Mudah-mudahan Allah permudahkan soalan-soalan dalam buku Maths tu. InsyaAllah ~

Jadi, sampai disini je lah aku update. InsyaAllah akan kita bertemu lagi. Tataa ~

**Happy new year everyone! Have fun in malam new year. And for muslim's doa-doakan la yang terbaik buat dunia dan akhirat. InsyaAllah Allah akan makbulkan doa-doa korang dan juga aku. Hihi (x

Just believe in it :)
Dini ;)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hi thursday!

Assalammualaikum ,

Hi, blogloves. Miss me? ahaha .

So i'm here to update some post. It's important to me. Well, not only me. All the PMR candidates. Yeahh ~

Kay, this thursday is the DAY. Big day. The day aku kene amik keputusan PMR ku. lalala ~ What? Aku cuak la doh. Siapa tak cuak. Kalau tak ada A. Walaupun satu. Mana tak kecewa? Kalau siapa tak kecewa tuh memang tak ada parasaan betul lah. Eh?

Aku risau kay nak amik result. Takut sangat-sangat. Setiap hari setiap malam. Aku doa mudah-mudahan aku dapat keputusan yang cemerlang. Dan mudah-mudahan keputusan aku tidak mengecewakan mama and babah. InsyaAllah Allah Swt akan makbulkan doa-doa aku. Amin ~ :')

So, Wish me luck kay this thursday :) And you all to PMR candidates. Good luck kay. Mudah-mudahan keputusan kita semua lulus. InsyaAllah ~ Heee

If something happens. At least I've tried my best kay.
Dini ;)

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Maybe one day I'll be what you need.

Assalammualaikum ,

Heyy bloglovers :) Nice to meet you guys again. Mhehe :p 

Kay, last night. I don't know why. I feels like I wanna cry. I feels like I hurt someone. I don't why this pain hurting me. I almost cry last night.

If I really hurt you guys. Puhhleasehh forgive me. I know sometimes my words makes you guys "terasa". Well I don't even mean it. I'm really sorry okay. I know I makes mistake so many times. But I'm not like the person who you think is. Okay?

Lol, why am I so emotional? haha. This is so not me :p

Okay, you know what? I'm tired of being heartbroken girl. Every time I have a crush with someone. *tupp tupp* he have a girlfriend. And being in love with someone who doesn't know I'm exist is also breaks my heart. Everytimes ~ 

Pftt, I hate this love situation. I will stick with single until I found my true love that loves me the way I am. And we will live happily ever after :') hehe

*My mom just got home for Sabah yesterday. And man I miss her so much. She brought so many souvenir and it's so beautiful. I love you mommy :* ehehe

P/s: I know my English is sucks. At least I tried. Smh ~ 

Extras :

Sonny: [James and Tawni look at them] They’re looking this way. Put your arm around me.Chad: Well, I would, but you sat on the wrong side. This arm says let’s cuddle, and this arm says ‘Hey, good game bro!’Sonny: Well, I’m saying just put one of them around me. (Chad puts his arm around Sonny)Chad: Oh, you should probably put your head on my shoulder.Sonny: Okay. (puts her head on Chad’s shoulder) This is nice… in theory.Chad: We, uh … make a good couple. Hypothetically.
[from “Sonny With A Chance” 1x09]

Aww, Can I have a relationship like this? It's so sweet :3
Dini ;) 

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Hello December! We meet again :D


Well hello bloglovers! Aww, I miss you guys so much :( Meh peluk meh. *hughug* heeee :D

Kay today dah 1 Disember dah. So apa yang terjadi? Result PMR nak keluar. And Hell yeah I takut -.- Aku tahu semua PMR candidates pun cuak juga. Tapi kita redha jelah nanti ye? Apapun kita doa lah kepada Nya. Dia je yang mampu tolong kita kan? hee :') 

Dah masuk disember ni. Aku paling tak suka bila dah nak habis tahun 2011 -.- Yela, Too much memories doh tahun 2011 ni. Tahun ni la yang aku rasa sekola la best. Serious :O kalau tak dulu macam haram je sekola. Bila tak suka cikgu tuh aku tak nak datang sekola. Yeah, tuh life aku sebelum ni. Tapi sekarang tak. Sekola la memories yang paling best dalam hidup. Kay baru tahu. Don't judge :p haha

You know what? I miss my friends. All of my friends. Old friends. New friends. All of it. But 3 Delima is the most I miss so much! I miss the laughter the happiness. All of it. The pranks the jokes in 3 Delima. Sumpah rindu :( Kalau la tahun depan aku sama kelas dengan classmate 3 Delima. It will make my day. I wish :'( hmm Apa la khabar dorang eh? Senyap je. Hmm ~

Tahun 2012 je dah kene start belajar :/ kay. Seronok -.- Tah best ke tak tahun depan. Grr, kene face juga tahun depan. 2012 please be nice to me ~

Hmm, so esok mama nak pergi Sabah. Kay jealous nak ikut tapi tak boleh kay -.- Sumpah kesian. Lol I thought this school holiday is gonna be FUN. Well its not -__-" pissed off.

*Kay, you really want to know the truth huh? Okay. The truth is I really miss you kay. So please? Make a move. And come back to me? :( I really miss you like the first time we knowing each other. Everybody deserve a second chance right? hmm.

p/s: I'm here. Just wanna wish you guys Happy December and Merry Christmas! Enjoy your december month! :D xx peace ^^V


Aww, my logie :* 
Dini ;)