Sunday, January 02, 2011

Hey Yo !

Assalammualaikum ,

The REAL lyrics of the chorus to DYNAMITE; i throw my skittles in the air sometimes saying he yo! taste the rainbow xD

Haha , Aku suke ayat nie . LOL .

Oh Hey , As you all know . Tomorrow is the big day . Not so big . aha . Kinda Big dayy . And I'm freaking out . I feel nervous . I dont want to go to school . So so badly . I'm afraid of PMR & New Teachers . 

So I think This is the last time I'm online . After this menhadap buku jelah . No No Facebook . Kene Focus . Study Hard . I want to make my parent proud . Selama ni aku tak pernah buat parent aku bangga . Tapi ade lah , ala ala subjek tuh dapat 80% keatas . A's . Tu je . Aku tak pernah bangge kan parent aku dengan perikse besar . I mean Like UPSR and PMR . So I think this is the chance to make it real .

I wish I will get straight A's . Selalu aku azam kan , bende tuh tak jadi -,-" Geram je lah . Haih . So aku rasa ni la saat saat nye buat kan azam aku tuh Real . Wish me luck bebeyh :D

Hurm , what else ? Oh semalam pergi Wangsa Walk Mall . Tengok wayang . Cerita Gulliver's Travels . Kelakar ya amat . Haha . After thats pergi Popular and Yeah . Kat situ ade buku Justin Bieber . Aku nak beli but tak de rezeki . Nak tahu kenape ? Dude , the price is RM74.99 . And I was like "whatt ? You gonna be kidding me -,-" Heartbroken . ahhah . Tetiba je . Geram je tahu ? 

Dalam tenet tulis RM70.00 . Why kat situ RM75 ? Gile cekik darah ! Aku pujuk pujuk bapak aku , bapak aku masih bagi jawapan "NOPE" and dia siap cakap lagi "Babah nak buat la rambut macam Justin bieber" Gosh :O 

I want that book so badly xD Maybe sebab dah banyak keluar duit kot . Yela baru buat depan doe . Dah berape keluar duit ? Beli baju sekola lagi , itu la ini lah . Mane nak dapat . Saba je lah . Kumpul duit la kalau macam ni xD

Hurm , dah panjang lebar dah aku cerita dalam ni . So I think I gonna stop here :)

P/s ; New teachers & Pmr . Please be nice to me ;')

Extras ;
Yeah , I just want a simple love ;')
Dini ;)

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